
Process Data Mining: What Is Process Mining and What Are the Best Tools?


01 Process Mining What Is Process Mining And How Do You Select The Best Tool

Data science contributes to a business’s success and helps businesses understand their processes so they can operate efficiently. With the enhancement of digital programs, many companies are leaving manual data processing behind and turning to digital systems to transform how data is collected, analyzed, and monitored. While making the switch can lead to advanced processes, finding the right program for your business is crucial to ensuring effective and efficient improvements.

Process mining works collectively with data science to provide information for businesses that want to improve their processes. Read on to learn what process mining entails, such as its benefits and capabilities for enterprises.

What Is Process Mining?

Process mining is the collection and analysis of data to provide insights into business processes. Process mining software uses special techniques to transform data into visuals to show how well an organization’s processes are performing. While data mining focuses on identifying patterns within big data, process mining concentrates on understanding how an organization’s business processes happen based on the relationship between the facts collected in data mining.

Process mining tools can identify and provide solutions to improve process models by analyzing the data from the systems used in business processes. Understanding how social networks interact is informative of the organization’s workflow because businesses can see what works best to ensure improved performances, reduce costly rework, and eliminate variations.

Process mining gives you the insights needed to help your business make improvements that drive results.

Benefits of Process Mining

Process mining provides many benefits for businesses, including:

  • Increased transparency: Process mining identifies data so that businesses can create actionable insights. Data analysis allows for more clarity about the processes since process mining dives deep into why and how they work.
  • Improved performance management: The software provides automation for performance management by collecting the data for key performance indicators. Businesses and stakeholders can monitor the processes in real-time.
  • Enhanced customer experiences: When organizations understand the disadvantages of their current processes, they can develop new workflows to help solve issues faster, improving customer service.
  • Upgraded compliance: Process mining software works quicker than any manual process. The technology analyzes the information fast so businesses can monitor compliance problems immediately.
  • Reduced costs: Discovering inefficiencies, tasks, and other processes that could benefit from automation can help organizations reduce operating costs. Process mining allows businesses to find discrepancies in their workflows and develop ways to improve them.

Organizations that use process mining can revolutionize their workflow to be as efficient and effective as possible.

02 Process Mining Capabilities

Process Mining Capabilities

Process mining helps ensure businesses receive the data and analysis needed to help improve their workflow. At Business Transformation Institute, we specialize in process mining data science. Our process mining capabilities retrieve and integrate data from event logs with measurements of product and service quality. Collecting and analyzing the data allows clients to improve process efficiency and better understand how their business processes create value.

Process mining capabilities offer:

  • Automated business process discovery: Process mining uses automated business process discovery systems to collect data from event logs and create visual models to display the information. Analyzing the models helps businesses discover performance issues.
  • Business process compliance checking: Teams can compare the existing models with other process models from the same event log to see if they all follow the same procedures.
  • Enhanced existing models: You can support the information in current models by supplementing it with data from the event logs.

Business Transformation Institute can help with your process mining needs. Some process mining examples that our services can help your organization with include the following:

  • Predicting DevOps achievement
  • Assessing Agile success
  • Estimating technical debt
  • Inferencing software technical debt
  • Understanding engineering and software development trends

How to Select the Best Process Data Mining Tool

The best process mining tool for your business will integrate with programs your company already uses. The best option will also meet your business’s needs while providing the most benefits possible. To select the process mining software for your business, ensure it has all the tool components you need to assess your company’s data.

Before selecting your process mining software, consider the following factors:

  • Assess your business’s processes and systems: Some process mining programs may contain features that apply better to specific sectors or industries. Research process mining use cases in your field to determine what to look for in a tool.
  • Prioritize looking for tools that meet your end goal: Businesses can leverage different tools to improve their processes and meet their end goals for efficiency. Ensure the software you choose has tools that best benefit your business functions.
  • Evaluate potential tools for their return on investment: Process mining software helps lower your operating costs but is also an investment. Ensure the software you plan on implementing meets your business’s budget and performs accordingly.

Nymbul Mineral: Process Data Mining Tool

When looking for the best process data mining tool, consider Nymbul Mineral© from Business Transformation Institute. The Nymbul Mineral is a process mining report generator and analysis toolkit that helps companies understand what works well in their agile and DevOps processes. With our process mining tool, you’ll gain insight into how the teams at your company work to see if there are any processes with room for improvement.

Nymbul Mineral consists of two modes that support a team’s information needs:

  • Detailed custom analysis: The toolkit allows teams and data scientists to collect insights from project activities and analyze them to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the processes. With a detailed analysis, there are opportunities to discover new methods to optimize a team’s performance and enhance customer relations.
  • On-demand reports: Nymbul Mineral’s process mining report generator showcases the effectiveness of a team’s DevOps approach, providing details about processes like user story management, configuration management, development, testing, quality, deployment, and support. The reports help teams diagnose issues that need a resolution to improve the processes.

With the Nymbul Mineral, you’ll be able to understand what processes work well and identify the areas that could benefit from changes so you can eliminate the processes that aren’t working. Teams can see the relationships between workflow patterns and service or product characteristics. Acknowledging the distinction between past failures and successes allows teams to prepare for future successes by learning from what did or didn’t work.

03 CTA Contact Business Transformation Institute For Process Data Mining 

Apply Process Mining in Your Area of Work With BTI

Take advantage of the benefits process mining provides for your business processes to drive and improve results. The process data mining experts at Business Transformation Institute are ready to help your business successfully implement process mining into your systems. Get started with new process mining software by contacting us for a free consultation today.

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