
Nymbul Mineral Process Mining Toolkit

Process Mining and Nymbul Mineral©

Nymbul Mineral is a process mining report generator and analysis toolkit.  It collects data directly from the DevOps toolchain to help teams to understand what is working well–and why–and what can be made better–and how to do it–in their DevOps and agile processes.

“This is interesting.  No one else is doing this!”  – Kris Britton, Chief of the US Government’s Center for Assured Software (CAS)

Just as data mining has led to a deeper understanding of available information in many areas, applying data science to data collected through process mining leads to a better understanding of how a team’s workflow is functioning. 

Our process data science solution uses a high-integrity data model built from all the tools in a project’s toolchain to analyze and visualize the team’s actual processes. Even if a team doesn’t use a tool for a particular transaction, this information provides insight into the workflow. 

For example, process mining tools can extract the workflow actually being performed on a project, potentially in contrast to the process that might be written down. Process mining also provide the analysis, based on process performance data, to identify bottlenecks, rework sequences, anti-patterns, and even potential security concerns in the actual process.

Get started with Nymbul Mineral today!

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We are connecting into new tools all of the time. If your favorite is not on the list, let us know–we want to collect all the data from all the tools!

Bitbucket 1   Confluence 1   Github
Gitlab 1   Jira 1   Office
Redmine   Servicenow   Sonarqube 1
Sonarsource 1   Sonarsource 2

Understanding why a software team is successful now helps the team be successful in the future.  Nymbul Mineral’s key benefit is helping teams understand what works well and what doesn’t to accentuate the positive processes and eliminate the negative processes. 

Our process mining technology provides teams with the linkage between the delivered software product’s characteristics, just as low defects, on-time delivery, low rework, and high quality, to the process the team used to create a product.  This cause-and-effect relationship between workflow patterns and product characteristics helps the team duplicate past successes in the future while avoiding anti-patterns.

Here’s an example analysis illustrating the relationship between on-time user story delivery and the processes being used: 

NM Analysis

Nymbul Mineral has two powerful modes to support a team’s information needs:

  • On-Demand Reports:  software teams use Nymbul Mineral’s on-demand report generator to receive reports on how effectively their user story management, development, configuration management, testing, quality, deployment, and support processes are collectively working.  When a team decides that their DevOps approach is not as effective as they’d like, Nymbul Mineral’s reports help the team to diagnose the issue.  The on-demand report generator delivers as many as 50 different standard reports, selected based on team preferences, and more reports can be defined using the full Nymbul Mineral analyst tool kit.  Example reports include:
  • Detailed Custom Analysis:  software teams and process analysts use Nymbul Mineral’s process mining and analysis toolkit to explore the details of the software development and delivery process.  With the toolkit, every aspect of the team’s activities as recorded in their DevOps toolchain becomes available to help the team understand its strengths.  Using the toolkit, a team can work in conjunction with data scientists to create customer analysis to optimize the team’s performance.
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How To Engage With Nymbul Mineral As A Service

BTI’s data scientists will:

  • Listen to you to understand your goals in the context of your work environment.
  • Determine which of your goals we can help you with and plan how we will help.
  • Use our tool to collect and analyze the data we need to help you.
  • Create report(s) derived from the data analysis to guide you in fulfilling your goals.
  • Automate data collection, analysis, and report generation to enable you to use Nymbul Mineral on demand.

Note:  Your data is your data and will be handled accordingly.  You maintain control of your data.  BTI personnel with access to your data will execute a non-disclosure agreement to guarantee safe-guarding.

Contact us now to get started!

Performing Process Mining with Nymbul Mineral©

Nymbul Mineral is a process mining tool and service that makes the analytic power of data science available to leaders, managers, and software teams who want the insights and knowledge available through data science but who do not want to be data science practitioners.

Nymbul Mineral is Unique!

Nymbul Mineral is unique in applying process mining technology to understand and help improve how projects are implementing DevOps.  Process mining technology exists in other areas, but only Nymbul Mineral applies the technology to software development, production, support, and maintenance.

How You Can Engage Nymbul Mineral

  • Nymbul Mineral as a service:  BTI engages with you to customize, scale, and automate Nymbul Mineral’s capabilities to support your goals.  We work together to solve your challenges!
  • Nymbul Mineral as a tool:  BTI deploys Nymbul Mineral to your environment and helps you learn how to use it.  We work together to give you the tools for you to solve your challenges.

Nymbul Mineral Benefits

Nymbul Mineral is a one-of-a-kind process mining capability that helps you in three ways:

Reveal How A Team’s Actions Lead to Results

Nymbul Mineral helps you understand how the work that you do leads to the results that you deliver.  Your greater understanding helps you more often achieve the positive results that you want while avoiding negative outcomes.

Nymbul Mineral answers why your project’s deliveries to customers are:

  • Early, on-time, or late?
  • Defect free or full of bugs?
  • Secure or not?
  • Developed free of stress or unpredictability and full of problems?
  • Easy to maintain or needing lots of support?
  • Developed right the first time or requiring rework?

How do you link–and even predict–the good and bad results that your project delivers to your project’s root cause actions, activities, and processes?

Measure DevOps Across The Entire Toolchain

Nymbul Mineral measures the big picture of project performance as it is actually seen by your leadership and customers.  Most DevOps toolchains provide measurement insight only from individual tools, not across the across the entire DevOps environment.  Understanding project performance from the viewpoint of developers, testers, and integrators is important, but how much do these viewpoints matter if customers or leadership sees something different?

Nymbul Mineral lets you measure success across your entire toolchain:

  • Time from identifying customer needs and wants to deployed solutions.
  • Frequency of deployment in response to customer changes.
  • Lead and cycle times in response to customer needs and wants.
  • Mean time to detect issues and incidents and deliver a remedy.
  • Rework at every step of the toolchain in response to a failed deployment.

How do you understand everything that you do, not just the pieces?

Get More Information From Tools

Nymbul Mineral provides information that is not available from basic, out-of-the-box DevOps tools reporting:

  • SonarQube tracks how your code is improving across each release, including under different quality rules, but there is no report that provides you with this information.  Nymbul Mineral will!
  • Jiraby Atlassian, GitLab, and Redmine collect how teams and individuals within your project work together to fulfill a user story–but none of Jira, nor GitLab, nor Redmine will not tell you this information.  Nymbul Mineral will!
  • ServiceNow collects how teams and individuals work together to respond to a customer’s service-specific request–but although ServiceNow will tell you the status of a ticket, it won’t tell you how efficiently and effectively a team worked together to complete that ticket.  Nymbul Mineral will!
  • Git-based tools (GitLab, Bitbucket, GitHub) capture how much and how often software code is being changed, which changes are actually delivered, and when the the delivery is made–but Git-based tools will not collate that information for you.  Nymbul Mineral will!
  • Microsoft Project helps you understand what you will accomplish and when–but there is no way to measure that schedule directly against real progress as measured by actual results directly in the development environment.  Nymbul Mineral will!

Tool reporting capabilities are built around the tool developers’ concept of what should be reported.  The information you want is in the tool, but are you allowed to ask for it?  Nymbul Mineral enables you to get answers to questions that the tools will not easily let you ask.

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How To Engage With Nymbul Mineral As A Tool

BTI will:

  • Install Nymbul Mineral in your environment.  Nymbul Mineral works in Windows, Linux, and iOS.
  • Configure Nymbul Mineral and assist you in linking Nymbul Mineral to your toolchain and other data sources.
  • Provide small group training on using Nymbul Mineral.
  • Provide you with documentation on Nymbul Mineral’s functions.
  • Answer your questions.

Contact us now to get started!

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Here’s What Our Clients Are Saying About Us

BTI succeeds in its mission when an organization is measurably better in a way that makes a real difference, is able to sustain the change for the better, knows that it is better, and is satisfied with the result.

Business Transformation Institute, Inc. (BTI) joined in partnership with Raytheon SAS to help us bring together many diverse business units and to stabilize and improve our performance.  Throughout the years we have worked together and achieved CMMI Maturity Level 5 while bringing together geographically and process diverse units. This has allowed us to have a much higher fluidity in our staff and contract execution locations without suffering performance degradation.  Also, BTI has led the way in choreographing novel appraisal methodologies that have significantly reduced the cost of maintaining CMMI certification and ensuring that the programs do not suffer “set-back” during the gap between certification renewals.

Alan Perkowski 1 E1695234482260

Alan Perkowski

Process Maturity Technical Director from Major Aerospace Company

Having BTI’s LSS black belts onboard means that I can now safely retire.  Thank you!

Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt

Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt from National Security Agency

CNI was going to graduate from the federal government’s 8(a) program.  We had to be prepared to compete. Part of this is having good processes.  BTI helped us to do it.

Phil Ricks 1 E1695234421930

Phil Ricks

Corporate Quality Manager from Chickasaw Nation Industries

I was fortunate to work with the BTI team on deploying the CMMI Level 2 practice at Western Union. There were a number of obstacles in garnering top-down changes and support everyone that the team was able to work through and make it successful.

Implementing CMMI practices and procedures in an unstructured environment is surely difficult, but the BTI team was able to see the big picture and also make sure that the details were correctly addressed and implemented.

I highly recommend the BTI team!

John Oyhagary 1 E1695234675445

John Oyhagaray

Western Union Systems Development