
What Is EPM? Evaluating the Health and Status of Products and Threads (Part 3)


This paper is the third in a sequence defining Evaluated Product Maturity (EPM).  EPM is designed to assist in assessing the risk of breaking or diminishing the functionality of a system-of-systems functional thread by modifying, changing, or replacing one or more systems that make up that thread.  The sequence of paper provides the basis for computing EPM using BTI’s automated systems and software data science capabilities.

This first document defined the purpose, background, and general approach for computing the EPM score.  

The second installment defined the factors that the data collected from a wide array of systems has indicated is critical in evaluating the risk for changes to a system to break or diminish the functionality of that system.

The third installment, which you are currently reading, discusses automatically capturing data to be processed by the EPM tool and how calculations are done.

The next (also the last) installment provides an example use case for EPM.

For Sections 1 through 4, see 

5. Capturing Measurement Data

Of the sixteen Fundamental Metrics identified, only 12 are used in the calculation of the product’s EPM. They are listed below. Eight of the metrics are reported on a per release basis. The others are reported as most recent captured.

  • Mean Deployment Frequency (MDF) – per release
  • Mean Change Lead Time (MCLT) – per release
  • Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) – per release
  • Test Coverage (TC) – per release
  • Code Complexity (Comp) – per release
  • Defect Density (DD) – per release
  • Vulnerability Density (VD) – per release
  • Code Smell Density (CSD) – per release
  • New Tickets Received (NTR) – current date/time
  • Ticket Closure Rate (TCR) – per release
  • Mean Active User Count (MAUC) – current date/time
  • Plan vs Actual Progress (PvAP) – current date/time

Most of these metrics are available directly through the use of existing tools. In those cases, no detailed formula (or discussion) is needed. For the others, the tools may provide the base measures that are used to create the composite metric, or additional processing may be needed to get the actual metrics. For example, DF, and hence MDF, is not a metric that is generally reported. But the base measure used to calculate DF is (Time of Release). A simple calculation giving the difference between the last two releases provides a value for DF. In the following sections detailed formulas for calculating the metrics from base measures are provided. If no actual calculation is necessary, a detailed description is not provided.

Throughout the discussion of data capture and analysis a release is defined to be a released version of the software. This is the version where a project plans on releasing new features, or defect repairs, or both, to end users/customers. 

Since release names can be non-specific, even within a single project, statistics need to be captured based on the release type that contains the most records, although the raw data for each release group is retained. For example, project A has decided to track new requirements on a version numbering scheme that follows the x.y.z notation, where the versions are identified numerically with the numbers assigned in increasing order. The ‘x’ represents a major version, ‘y’ a minor version and ‘z’ a patch or bug fix. Releases then follow in time like the following:

1.0.0,  1.1.0,  1.2.0,  1.2.1,  1.2.2,  1.3.0,  2.0.0,  …

However, during that release string there were also some priority bug fixes which were identified using a different nomenclature for release name. These were interspersed with the normal releases as shown below:

1.0.0,  1.1.0,  1.2.0,  1.2.1,  BugFix_1,  BugFix_2,  1.2.2,  1.3.0,  2.0.0,  …

An argument is made that the x.y.z series (based on the SemVer versioning scheme) is the primary release pattern and so the TCR is calculated based on that series of data. Data files containing the two types of releases are maintained if offline analysis is desired.

Although there are a number of industry standard tools that can be used to capture these metrics, information is provided based on the use of the most commonly used tools, namely, Atlassian’s Jira, SonarQube™, Git variants (such as Git, GitLab, GitHub) and Microsoft Project, and outlines a prototype environment for use in initial piloting of the product maturity effort. The data is being captured and analyzed using the R programming language together with a Shiny Web interface and Excel for dashboard prototyping. 

The following sections describe the requirements for the last step in the overall process, monitoring the data, and contains the guidance needed to develop a data capture and analysis system to accomplish the goal of evaluating the EPM of monitored products and threads. The relevant section of the complete process is shown in Figure 7 with the pertinent areas discussed highlighted in green.

Main Process 1

Figure 7 – Main Process

6. Fundamental Metrics

The twelve fundamental metrics needed for the calculation of the EPM are listed in Table 21. These metrics are categorized into one of three major Metric Groups: Quality, Performance and Software Vulnerabilities. Standard Tools used to capture these metrics are also listed in the table. Each metric is captured and evaluated at every release of a product.

Table 21 – Fundamental Metrics with Weights

Metric Group Metric Tool
Quality (MSIQ) TC Test Coverage SonarQube™
Comp Code Complexity SonarQube™
DD Defect Density SonarQube™
CSD Code Smell Density SonarQube™

Performance (MSIP)

MDF Mean Deployment Frequency Jira
MCLT Mean Change Lead Time Jira
MTTR Mean Time To Repair Jira
NTR New Tickets Received Jira
TCR Ticket Closure Rate Jira
MAUC Mean Active User Count ToolMetrics
PvAP Plan vs. Actual Jira, MS Project
Software Vulnerabilities (MSIv) VD Vulnerability Density SonarQube™


7. Detailed Requirements For Data Capture

 Because of the need to provide a consistent, standardized method of capturing the required metrics, many of the measures need to be adjusted, or normalized. We have found that many products have taken liberty in the way Jira allows customer customization to include many user-defined fields. Since there was no apparent standard way of standing up an instance of Jira, there is a lack of uniformity in the selection of key fields contained, used and propagated within a product’s Jira environment. Each section below describes the mechanisms, procedures and processed of normalizing the data captured so that a consistent representation of the data, and subsequent analysis, can be realized. 

7.1 Quality Metric Group

The metrics for measuring product quality come completely from SonarQube™, via the Nymbul Treasure instance.

7.1.1 Data Capture

Each of the four Quality Metrics are easily captured via the RESTful interface to SonarQube™. However, they change whenever a product executes a SonarQube™ analysis (as new code is developed, changes are made, etc.). Since data must be captured at product release, there needs to be a determination of when a release is conducted and an appropriate trigger to run the data capture for the SonarQube™ metrics. 

Test Coverage (TC) is a singular metric and will be reported as the percentage of code covered by unit tests. This is sometimes known (and reported) as overall coverage.

Code Complexity (Comp) is a singular metric and will be reported as the average cyclomatic complexity per file.

Defect Density (DD) and Code Smell Density (CSD) are composite metrics. Since SonarQube™ provides five levels of severity for Bugs and CS, these metrics will be reported as described in the mapping below:

  • Trivial:  Sum of ‘Info’ and ‘Minor’ per KLOC as reported by SonarQube™. Issues that have minor or unknown impact on productivity.
  • Average:  ‘Major’ per KLOC as reported by SonarQube™. Issues that might have substantial impact on productivity.
  • Critical:  Sum of ‘Critical’ and ‘Blocker’ per KLOC as reported by SonarQube™. Issues that are of operational risks.

 7.2 Performance Metric Group

Performance is centered on the ability of a product team to provide their product to end users and customers with a high degree of quality and available in a timely manner. It is not a measure of how well the product performs in terms of reliability and availability, although these measures can be captured in future instantiations of the EPM model. Most of the data needed is readily available in Jira.

7.2.1 Data Capture

The majority of the required base measures needed to calculate the Performance Metrics are captured via the RESTful interface to Jira. The Mean Active User Count and Plan vs. Actual are available via other mechanisms.

Additional processing is required to combine the base measures obtained via Jira into the metrics reported on the dashboard and used in the calculation of the EPM. A sample size is used to provide normalization across the metrics and projects. Typically, a sample size (ss) of 10% of the most recent releases is adequate providing a rolling average for the final mean calculation. For measures where the number of releases is less than a specified minimum value (defaulted to 8), the whole set of data is used to calculate the mean. Mean Deployment Frequency (MDF)

The Deployment Frequency is measured as the rate at which deployments are dropped to the customer. It is a time value that measures the number of hours between product releases. The Mean Deployment Frequency (MDF) is the mean of the DF values across all product releases.

  The Release Identifier (name) and Release Date (releaseDate) are both captured via the following RESTful call to Jira:

https://location-of-jira-db/jira/rest/api/latest /project/<projectname>/versions

For each new release, r, calculate the Deployment Frequency (DF) and the Mean Deployment Frequency (MDF). The Release Identifier is captured for reference and is required in the following section.

Formula 1

Base Measure Definition Data Type
r Release number Integer
Release Date Date of the release Date/Time
n Number of releases  Integer
ss Sample Size Integer
Hrs/Day Number of hours in a workday (default = 8) Float Mean Change Lead Time (MCLT)

The Change Lead Time is the time from the start of a development cycle to when the new feature is deployed to the customer base. It is a measure of how long it takes a feature to reach the user base once the feature has been accepted for incorporation into the product. Since there will usually be more than one new feature request in a given deployment, the Average Change Lead Time (ACLT) is calculated. It is the average CLT of all the new features during a given deployment and represents the average time it takes to incorporate a new feature request. In addition, the Mean Change Lead Time (MCLT) is the average of ACLTs across all releases of the product. CLT is sometimes referred to as cycle time. CLT and MCLT are measured in hours.

Jira contains a number of issue types that identify the type of issue and only specific issue types are considered new capabilities (Features in this paper) or Defects. As mentioned earlier, the lack of consistency among the various projects within Jira necessitates a mapping of Issue Types that collectively represent a feature.  Section provides the rationale for identifying a Created Issue as a Feature or a Defect. Analysis of Issue Type Usage Within Jira

On November 19, 2018 an analysis of Issue Type utilization within a publicly available Jira instance was conducted to evaluate the extent of issue type usage and to provide guidance in the determination of a mapping algorithm that can be used to identify issue types that represent features. This analysis showed that Jira contains 371 unique Issue Types, but the vast majority are used only by a very small number of projects. The top ten Issue Types for each project type are shown in Table 22Table 23 shows all Issue Types where at least 10 projects have identified them. In each case the numbers represent the number of projects that have identified the Issue Type for use within their Jira environment.

Table 22 – Top 10 Issue Types by Project Domain

Business   Service Desk   Software
  Task 109     Sub-task 46     Sub-task 476
  Sub-task 106     Bug 41     Task 476
  Action 57     Epic 34     Epic 465
  Change 54     Task 34     Bug 437
  Epic 16     New Feature 31     Story 395
  Bug 7     Help Ticket 21     New Feature 234
  New Feature 7     FeedBack 20     Improvement 214
  Improvement 5     Story 20     Requirement 167
  Initiative 5     Other 19     Enhancement 39
  Story 5     RFI 17     Research 28

Table 23 – Number of Issue Types used across all projects

Number Of Issue Types Used Across All Projects 1 2


Because of the disparate definitions of what represents a bug, new feature, requirement, etc., a mapping is necessary to capture all the various issue types that have a common meaning. Jira comes with a small set of default issue types as described in Table 24Table 25 provides the suggested list of issue types along with a mapping of project’s issue types into two categories: Feature and Defect. Of the non-default issue types, ‘New Feature’, ‘Improvement’ and ‘Requirement’ are heavily used by projects.

Table 24 – Jira Default Issue Types

Group Issue Type Description
Jira Core Task Task that needs to be done
Subtask Smaller task within a larger piece of work
Jira Software Story Functionality request expressed from the perspective of the user
Bug Problem that impairs product (or service) functionality
Epic Large piece of work that encompasses many issues
Jira Service Desk Incident System outage or incident
Service request General request from a user for a product or service
Change Rollout of new technologies or solutions
Problem Track underlying causes of incidents


Table 25 – Suggested Issue Types and Mapping

Issue Type Number of Projects Using (11/16/18) Percent of Total Projects
(679 Total)
Bug 485 71% Defect
Change 64 9%  
Defect 31 5% Defect
Enhancement 46 7% Feature
Epic 515 76% Feature
Improvement 231 34% Feature
Incident 7 1%  
New Feature 272 40% Feature
Problem 19 3% Defect
Requirement 178 26% Feature
Service request 12 2%  
Story 420 62% Feature
Subtask 628 92%  
Task 619 91%  
User Story 20 3%  


The base measures needed for the calculation of MCLT (as well as MTTR and MGCR) all come from the release data captured via the MDF process and the following RESTful call to Jira which captures the set of issue data that can be linked to each release:


For each new release, r, calculate the Change Lead Time (CLT) and Mean Change Lead Time (MCLT).

Formula 2 1


Base Measure Definition Data Type
Release Date Date of the release that contains the requested features Date/Time
Feature Request Date Date of the feature request (usually the date corresponding to the opening of a ticket to incorporate the feature in an upcoming release). Date/Time
n Number of feature requests that were deployed in the given release Integer
r Number of releases Integer
ss Sample Size Integer
Hrs/Day Number of hours in a workday (default = 8) Float Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)

The Time To Repair metric is the time from a given failure (captured as a ‘defect’ reported based on the mapping described in Table 25) to the release of a product with the corresponding repair. NOTE: These measures are based on failures of the product as a unit, not of the system as a whole. Time To Recover would apply in those cases. As in the case with CLT, there may be more than one defect repair in a given deployment, and so the Average Time To Repair (ATTR) is calculated. It is the average TTR of all the defect repairs during a given deployment and represents the average time it takes to repair a defect. In addition, the Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) is the average of ATTRs across all releases of the product. TTR and MTTR are measured in hours.

Formula 3 1

Base Measure Definition Data Type
Release Date Date of the release that contains the defect repairs Date/Time
Defect Reported Date Date the defect was reported (usually the date corresponding to the opening of a ticket documenting a defect in the product). Date/Time
n Number of defect repairs incorporated in the given release Integer
r Number of releases Integer
Ss Sample Size Integer
Hrs/Day Number of hours in a workday (8) Float New Tickets Received (NTR)

This metric captures the number of new tickets received over time. New tickets are those tickets that have not been entered into a working state. That is, they have just been received and no assignment for work has been made. Ideally, this metric should be zero, or at least very close to zero at any given time.

Tools that provide the ability to track service tickets generally provide a state transition scheme that defines the states of tickets as they move through the service process. NTR is simply the number of all tickets currently in the ticketing system but yet to be assigned a service provider. Ticket Closure Rate (TCR)

The Ticket Closure Rate (TCR) is the difference between the rates at which existing tickets are closed and new tickets arrive. It is calculated by subtracting the rate at which tickets enter by the rate tickets are closed between two consecutive periods (releases). 

Formula 4 1


Base Measure Definition Data Type
Closed Number of closed tickets Integer
Total Total number of tickets Integer
r Release Number Integer


7.3 Software Vulnerabilities Metric Group

At this time the only metric captured related to Software Vulnerabilities is the static code analysis of code vulnerabilities. This is captured by SonarQube™.

7.3.1 Vulnerability Density

Vulnerability Density is a composite metric. Since SonarQube™ provides five levels of severity for vulnerabilities, this metric will be reported as described in the mapping below:

  • Trivial:  Sum of ‘Info’ and ‘Minor’ per KLOC as reported by SonarQube™. 
  • Average:  ‘Major’ per KLOC as reported by SonarQube™.
  • Critical:  Sum of ‘Critical’ and ‘Blocker’ per KLOC as reported by SonarQube™.

By: Mike Mangieri
Senior Principal Process Engineer
Business Transformation Institute, Inc.

Previous ArticleWhat Is EPM? Evaluating the Health and Status of Products and Threads (Part 2) Next ArticleImprove Incident Response by Uniting Teams