
Lean Six Sigma Certification


Born out of the combination of Lean manufacturing and Six Sigma methodologies, Lean Six Sigma (LSS) certification is a results-driven combination of training and mentoring that provides project managers, engineers, quality practitioners, software developers, and supply chain managers a basis for leading a successful Lean Six Sigma effort in any organization.

Lean Six Sigma certification uses BTI’s applied training program combined with mentoring by one of BTI’s ASQ-certified LSS Black Belts and Master Black Belts on one or more project’s of the participant’s choice to both learn about and apply the skills needed for improving quality, improving productivity, removing waste, rework, and defects, and increasing efficiency in your organization.  BTI will:

  • Provide you with the appropriate LSS training,
  • Guide you in project scoping, development, and implementation,
  • Assist you with using LSS tools and techniques, and
  • Supply you with the computational tools needed to support your project.

We’ve successfully mentored hundreds of candidates in completing projects that measurably benefit their organizations while achieving their Black Belt certification.

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Lean manufacturing, or lean enterprise, is a systematic method that aims to add value to any process through the ongoing reduction and elimination of waste. The beginnings of lean methodology originated in the Toyota Production System (TPS) where, in the 1960s, engineer Taiichi Ohno identified eight forms of “muda,” which is a Japanese term for waste.

While in its early days, lean methodology applied specifically to manufacturing processes, it was quickly adopted in other industries. Today, it is applied just as often in the service sector. The adoption of a lean approach begins when a company identifies what its customers value in its product or service. Then, by tracking the flow of value to the customer, the company can put itself on a proven path to continuous improvement.

More than three decades ago, Motorola engineer Bill Smith introduced a data-driven methodology to help increase the quality of production by eliminating weaknesses and defects. Through the five stages of defining, measuring, analyzing, improving and controlling, the Six Sigma approach aims to make a product line or process that is 99.99966 percent free of defects or flaws. This number is where the term Six Sigma derives its mathematical name.

The result of the process is the production of only 3.4 flaws or defects per million.  Six Sigma quickly caught on among companies looking to eliminate waste through improved processes by means of data-driven results.

While both methodologies have been around separately for years, the U.S. military and public sector organizations began to see the collective benefits of the two approaches and coined the term Lean Six Sigma (LSS). From there, this combined methodology for value improvement and waste reduction steadily gained popularity among both private and public organizations of all kinds.

Today, LSS certification programs for business organizations make for a exciting opportunity. Everything from organizations undergoing process streamlining through adoption of automation to the reduction of waste by means of digitization is aided and guided by the principles of Lean Six Sigma.

The integrated approach of Lean Six Sigma matches well with today’s dynamic business environment, which is more than ever seeking constant improvement through better value delivery to customers and the vigilant reduction of waste.

At Business Transformation Institute, Inc., we recognize that you need full access to a wide range of comprehensive courses and professional development opportunities to assist your company in adopting and applying a Lean Six Sigma approach to your business model. For this reason, we’re proud to offer the following LSS certification programs for business organizations and professionals:

  • White belt LSS certification: For all professionals in your company who might benefit from an introduction to the advantages of continual improvement
  • Green belt LSS certification: For professionals who have a vested interest in the delivery of quality products and/or services in a competitive business environment
  • Black belt LSS certification: For business leaders who are the drivers behind company-wide movement toward maximum productivity and efficient use of resources

Learn More About Our Lean Six Sigma Training!

Black Belt        Green Belt        White Belt

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Choose BTI for LSS Certification for Corporations and Professionals

Founded on the principle that meaningful data and process analysis can help businesses better measure their performance and reach their potential, BTI has made delivering the principles of Lean Six Sigma — as well as other business improvement methodologies — our primary focus.

Since 2005, we’ve served the business improvement needs of clients across 14 U.S. states as well as the District of Columbia. To learn more about how we can help your company become LSS certified, contact us today!

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Here’s What Our Clients Are Saying About Us

BTI succeeds in its mission when an organization is measurably better in a way that makes a real difference, is able to sustain the change for the better, knows that it is better, and is satisfied with the result.

Business Transformation Institute, Inc. (BTI) joined in partnership with Raytheon SAS to help us bring together many diverse business units and to stabilize and improve our performance.  Throughout the years we have worked together and achieved CMMI Maturity Level 5 while bringing together geographically and process diverse units. This has allowed us to have a much higher fluidity in our staff and contract execution locations without suffering performance degradation.  Also, BTI has led the way in choreographing novel appraisal methodologies that have significantly reduced the cost of maintaining CMMI certification and ensuring that the programs do not suffer “set-back” during the gap between certification renewals.

Alan Perkowski 1 E1695234482260

Alan Perkowski

Process Maturity Technical Director from Major Aerospace Company

Having BTI’s LSS black belts onboard means that I can now safely retire.  Thank you!

Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt

Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt from National Security Agency

CNI was going to graduate from the federal government’s 8(a) program.  We had to be prepared to compete. Part of this is having good processes.  BTI helped us to do it.

Phil Ricks 1 E1695234421930

Phil Ricks

Corporate Quality Manager from Chickasaw Nation Industries

I was fortunate to work with the BTI team on deploying the CMMI Level 2 practice at Western Union. There were a number of obstacles in garnering top-down changes and support everyone that the team was able to work through and make it successful.

Implementing CMMI practices and procedures in an unstructured environment is surely difficult, but the BTI team was able to see the big picture and also make sure that the details were correctly addressed and implemented.

I highly recommend the BTI team!

John Oyhagary 1 E1695234675445

John Oyhagaray

Western Union Systems Development